You Can Do More Than Predict With Tarot Cards

There’s more to read in the cards than just the future!

Ignacio Mata
6 min readJun 14, 2023

Who doesn’t like a good tarot reading?

These pictorial sets of cards have been used the world over for literally thousands of years to do all kinds of things, namely as a tool for divination.

Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

I’ve done readings for others at events in my local furry scene (I’m still unapologetic about all that), and there’s this common conception people have with tarot cards:

That they’re mainly used to “tell the future”. That and a fear that your reader can draw “a bad card” and somehow ruin your week.

That’s not surprising, really. And it’s not even one of those “It’s Hollywood’s fault!” moments either.

Except for the “draw a bad card and ruin the week” thing. That’s not how it works, fortunately.

There are a lot of spreads — formats for laying down the cards, basically — used for telling the future. Shoot, I even offer a “The Next Twelve Months” reading on my magical Etsy shop!

There’s more to this than trying to predict the future.

A whole lot more.

Hello, Are You There?



Ignacio Mata

Writer of various topics. Also one of those “furries” you might hear about. Let’s see what sort of textual mischief we can get into today.